Roberto Gargarella surveys the landscape of Latin American Constitutionalism from 1810 to 2010, with particular emphasis on efforts in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries to enhance protections of multiculturalism and human rights. Gargarella begins by surveying the 'founding period' of Latin American constitutionalism, a period marked by compromise between liberals.

  1. Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats.
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Home > Journals > Linacre Quarterly > Vol. 15 > No. 1 (1948)

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Catholic Physicians' Guilds (1948) 'The Constitution and By Laws of the Catholic Physicians' Guilds,' The Linacre Quarterly: Vol. 15 : No. 1 , Article 4.
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Ethics and Political Philosophy Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons


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Healpy depends on the HEALPix C++ and cfitsio C libraries. Source code for bothis included with Healpy and is built automatically, so you do not need toinstall them yourself. Only Linux and macOS are supported, Windows only throughthe “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (see below).

Binary installation with conda (recommended for Anaconda/Miniconda users)¶

Conda Forge provides a conda channel with a pre-compiled version ofhealpy for linux 64bit and MAC OS X platforms, you can install it inAnaconda with:

There have also been reports of specific installation issues under Mac OSCatalina 10.15.5 with conda install as the solver appears to run withoutfinding the required packages. This is a general issue with a number ofpackages, and not limited to healpy. The most straightforward solution(after adding conda-forge to the channel list) is for the user to decide whichpackages they wish to install alongside healpy and then create a newenvironment installing healpy alongside said packages. For instance if onewishes to install healpy alongside Spyder and My_Package into newly createdenvironment env_healpy, the command will be:

Binary installation with Pip (recommended for most other Python users)¶

You can install Healpy from the Python Package Index using pip. For most common architectures and platforms(Linux x86-64, Linux i686, and macOS x86-64), Pip will download and install apre-built binary. For other platforms, it will automatically try to buildhealpy from source.

Note that there are not yet native prebuilt binaries for Apple Silicon Macs.

To install the latest version of healpy with pip, simply run:

If you have installed with pip, you can keep your installation up to dateby upgrading from time to time:

Source installation with Pip (not usually recommended)¶

On platforms for which we do not yet have prebuilt binaries in the PythonPackage Index, pip build healpy from source. You can force pip to build fromsource by running:

Some common issues that you might encounter when building from source:

  • libssl-dev (Debian) or openssl-dev (CentOS) is required to buildcfitsio from source.

  • On Linux with newer compilers many users reported compilation errors likeconfigure:error:cannotrunCcompiledprograms. The solution is tospecifiy the flags for the C and CXX compiler:

    CC=gcc CXX=g++ CFLAGS=’-fPIC’ CXXFLAGS=’-fPIC’ pip install –user healpy

Installation from package managers¶

Debian users may install Healpy for the Debian-supplied system Pythoninterpreter by running:

MacPorts users on macOS may install Healpy for the MacPorts-supplied Pythoninterpreter by running:

Compilation issues with Mac OS¶

Currently most people report they cannot install healpy on Mac OS either viapip or building from source, due to the impossibility of compiling theHEALPix based extension. The best alternatives are conda, binary installationwith pip, or MacPorts.

Installation on Mac OS with MacPorts¶

If you are using a Mac and have the MacPortspackage manager, it’s even easer to install Healpy with:

Installation with a package manager on Debian and Ubuntu¶

Binary apt-get style packages are also available in the development versions ofDebian (sid) andUbuntu.

Almost-as-quick installation from official source release¶

Healpy is also available in thePython Package Index (PyPI). You candownload it with:

and build it with:

If everything goes fine, you can test it:


or run the test suite with:

Building against external Healpix and cfitsio¶

Healpy uses pkg-config to detect the presence of the Healpix and cfitsiolibraries. pkg-config is available on most systems. If you do not havepkg-config installed, then Healpy will download and use (but not install) aPython clone called pykg-config.

Spherical Constitution Mac Os Download

If you want to provide your own external builds of Healpix and cfitsio, thendownload the following packages:

  • HEALPixautotools-style C++ package

If you are going to install the packages in a nonstandard location (say,--prefix=/path/to/local), then you should set the environment variablePKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/local/lib/pkgconfig when building. No otherenvironment variable settings are necessary, and you do not need to setPKG_CONFIG_PATH to use Healpy after you have built it.

Then, unpack each of the above packages and build them with the usualconfigure;make;makeinstall recipe.

Installation on Windows through the “Windows Subsystem for Linux”¶

  1. Restart your computer, and follow the instructions (which appear beforewindows starts) to enter BIOS. Usually this means pressing DEL or F2 justafter powering on. Find the option to enable virtualization (exact name willdepend on your system, can google your machine brand name + “enablevirtualization” for instructions)

  2. Follow these instructions to install Windows Subsystem for Linux: Following theinstructions for WSL version 2, and choosing Ubuntu from the store.

  3. Restart machine

  4. Open the newly installed Ubuntu application from the Start menu and followthe setup instructions.

  5. When they are complete, run these commands:

  6. Quit ubuntu, restart it, and run:

  7. Quit ubuntu again, restart it, and run:

  8. Copy and paste the line starting with http://localhost:8888/?token= intoyour normal Windows web browser.

Development install¶

Developers building from a snapshot of the github repository need:

  • autoconf and libtool (in Debian or Ubuntu:sudoapt-getinstallautoconfautomakelibtoolpkg-config)

  • libssl-dev (Debian) or openssl-dev (CentOS)is required to build cfitsio from source

  • cython > 0.16

  • run gitsubmoduleinit and gitsubmoduleupdate to get the bundledHEALPix sources

the best way to install healpy if you plan to develop is to build the C++extensions in place with:

then add the healpy repository folder to your PYTHONPATH (e.g. if youcloned this repository to $REPOS such that $REPOS/healpy/INSTALL.rstexists, then add $REPOS/healpy to your PYTHONPATH).

In case of compilation errors, see the note above in the pip section.


Spherical Constitution Mac Os X

When you run “python”, temporary build products are placed in the“build” directory. If you want to clean out and remove the build directory,then run: