Spooky Station is a game pack filled with 9 ghostly games of all types.From an arena-brawler to a rogue-like, from a text-adventure to a shoot 'em up, and even a GameBoy™ game, this bundle is certain to spook your socks off! Games included in this pack: Have a nice Halloween in a lovely and casual way with a one-button game that tries to bring back the competition of the arcade era, where.

Estos audifonos son de lo mas basico en razer, el micro no se puede apagar a menos que lo hagas en el software que utilizas (TS, curse, skype, etc.) sin embargo el sonido es muy bueno y el software de razer que simula el 7.1 virtualmente es tambien bueno, lo he usado en rainbow six siege y si notas la diferencia de unos audifonos estereo. The tutorial will make your whole steam games work as well and allow you to recored through screen flow. Sound flower:https://code.google.com/p/soundflower/d. Welcome to Old School RuneScape! Relive the challenging levelling system and risk-it-all PvP of the biggest retro styled MMO. Play with millions of other players in this piece of online gaming heritage where the community controls the development so the game is truly what you want it to be! Raven Curse is a visual novel with a few simple adventure elements and several endings, one of which is considered the “true ending”. Since the game is a prequel of the books, it is not necessary to have read the books beforehand, and therefore offers the perfect introduction to the series!

Currently in Early Access, Blade & Sorcery is an immersive and innovative physic-based VR sandbox game focusing on simulation rather than abstract and “gamey” mechanics. Taking full advantage of VR, the game allows total freedom in the way you fight and interact with the environment.


Forget everything you know about VR combat; in Blade & Sorcery, there is no artificial mechanics preventing you to do what you want. Stab, slash, smash, grip, punch, lift objects with telekinesis, choke, climb, kick, zip line, cast magic… Combat is limited only by your own creativity.

With Blade & Sorcery, be the powerful warrior, ranger or sorcerer you always dreamed of becoming!


Combat sandboxUnleash your power in arena based battles
Physic-based engineUnique and realistic physics driven interactions

Kraken's Curse (itch) Mac Os Catalina

Weight simulationObjects have mass and inertia, improving the feeling of combat and interactions
MagicSlow time, telekinesis, lightning and more coming
Climbing Physic based climbing by grabbing edges or hooking objects
Full body tracking / Mixed realityLIV and trackers support
Active developmentPublic roadmap with new features and contents coming regularly
Advanced moddingNative support of custom assets and scripts

About Kraken

Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences,usually obtained through metagenomic studies. Previous attempts by otherbioinformatics software to accomplish this task have often used sequencealignment or machine learning techniques that were quite slow, leading tothe development of less sensitive but much faster abundance estimationprograms. Kraken aims to achieve high sensitivity and high speed byutilizing exact alignments of k-mers and a novel classification algorithm.

In its fastest mode of operation, for a simulated metagenome of 100 bpreads, Kraken processed over 4 million reads per minute on a singlecore, over 900 times faster than Megablast and over 11 times faster than theabundance estimation program MetaPhlAn. Kraken's accuracy is comparablewith Megablast, with slightly lower sensitivity and very high precision.

Kraken is written in C++ and Perl, and is designed for use with theLinux operating system. We have also successfully compiled and run it under the Mac OS.

NOTE: Kraken 2 is the newest version of Kraken (See Kraken 2's Webpage for details). Kraken 1 will continue to be available via the Kraken 1 Github page, but it is no longer being supported.

Downloads and Documents

  • Kraken 2 source code release
    The current version of Kraken (v2) can be found in its GitHub repository.
  • The previous version of Kraken (v1) is still available in its own repository.
Note: the databases below were built for Kraken v1
  • MiniKraken DB_4GB (2.9 GB): A pre-built 4 GB database constructed from complete bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in RefSeq (as of Oct. 18, 2017). This can be used by users without the computational resources needed to build a Kraken database. However this contains only 2.7% of kmers from the original database.
    • DustMasked MiniKraken DB 4GB (2.9 GB): This 4GB database constructed from dustmasked bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in Refseq as of Oct. 18, 2017.
    • Bracken files for this database can be found at https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/bracken/
    • seqid2taxid.map (11 MB)
  • MiniKraken DB_8GB (6.0 GB): A pre-built 8 GB database constructed from complete bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in RefSeq (as of Oct. 18, 2017). This can be used by users without the computational resources needed to build a Kraken database. This contains around 5% of kmers from the original standard database.
    • DustMasked MiniKraken DB 8GB (6.0 GB): This 8GB database constructed from dustmasked bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in Refseq as of Oct. 18, 2017.
    • Bracken files for this database can be found at https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/bracken/
    • seqid2taxid.map (11 MB)
  • Kraken's operating manual (html). Please use this guidefor installing and running Kraken.
  • Accuracy data (1.8 MB): The data used to evaluate the accuracy of Kraken (and other classifiers); contains three FASTA files and instructions for obtaining the source taxonomic IDs for each sequence. These simulated metagenomic samples (each 10,000 reads) were also used to evaluate the speed of the non-Kraken classifiers.
  • Timing data (1.8 GB): The data used to evaluate the speed of Kraken (and MetaPhlAn); contains three FASTA files, each containing 10,000,000 reads.

Accuracy and speed

Although we tested Kraken on real sequence data from isolated genomes,the biggest challenge for an exact alignment approach is that ofmaintaining sensitivity in the face of high divergence from the training data(in this case, Kraken's genomic library). To address the concern ofKraken's sensitivity with such sequences, we created a simulated metagenomicdataset containing simulated 100 bp reads with high sequencing error(2.1% SNP rate, 1.1% indel rate).Below are the results of using various classifiers on this dataset, withaccuracy evaluated on a per-read basis (these results used January 2013data to build each classifier's reference library):

Naïve Bayes Classifier97.6497.647
PhymmBL (conf. > 0.65)99.0895.4576
Megablast w/ best hit96.9393.674511
Kraken (quick operation)99.9289.544101162
MiniKraken 2014 (Kraken w/ 4GB DB)99.9565.871441476
MiniKraken 2014 (quick operation)99.9865.312693119

Removing low-complexity sequences

When analyzing a metagenomics sample using a large Kraken database -- including the standardDB described in the manual -- the primary source of false positive hits is low-complexity sequences in the genomes themselves; e.g., a string of 31 or more consecutive A's. Thesecan largely be eliminated by first running the 'dust' program on all genomes and then building the database from these 'dusted' genomes. We strongly recommend running this program, which requires a custom database build, as described in the manual.DUST is included with the BLAST program from NCBI and is described inMorgulis et al. 2006 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16796549).

Kraken and other tools

Bracken allows users to perform abundance estimation with Kraken results. Bracken uses a bayesian formula toestimate species/genus-level abundance from Kraken classification results.

Pavianhas also been developed as a comprehensive visualization program that can compare Kraken classificationsacross multiple samples.

Kraken's Curse (itch) Mac Os X

KrakenToolsis a suite of scripts designed to assist with downstream analysis ofKraken results. KrakenTools is an ongoing project led by Jennifer Lu


Wood DE, Salzberg SL: Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments. Genome Biology 2014, 15:R46.


Page Updated: 2020/12/09