1. Stake Your Acclaim Mac Os 11
  2. Stake Your Acclaim Mac Os Download

Ethereum 2.0 is introducing the new Casper FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget) Proof of Stake Consensus, which has its own twists, considerations and risks like a minimum staking requirement of 32 ETH per validator, an unknown lock-up duration, downtime penalties and slashing of funds, in case that your validator misbehaves. The Art 500 is a touch panel DMX Controller with 1,024 DMX channels and 500 programmable scenes, designed to be the mosteffective control solution for architectural control. Included is the ART 500 software package, which offers an easy to navigate interface, combined with powerful control features. The operating system has been a long-standing difference between Mac and PC; currently, Mac computers are preinstalled with OS X Lion, while PCs come with Microsoft Windows 7. Between 2007 and 2009, when Windows Vista was Microsoft's operating system, OS X was widely regarded as the better of the two software packages.

How do I stake?

As things stand, you can stake using the Stratis QT-Wallet. You can find a set-up guide for Windows and Mac OS here. You can also find a guide for setting up the QT-Wallet for staking on a Raspberry Pi here. This may also help for setting up the wallet for staking on Linux.

Can I stake on a Raspberry Pi?

Yes. You can find a guide for setting up the QT-Wallet for staking on a Raspberry Pi here. You can also find a guide to staking STRAT using Stratis Core on the Raspberry Pi here.

What is coin maturity and how long do I have to wait before I can stake my STRAT?

A coin can be used to stake once it has reached coin maturity. When you send STRAT to your staking wallet, you need to wait until the transaction has received enough confirmations before the STRAT can participate in staking. This means that the transaction needs to be included in a certain number of blocks before the network will recognise its contribution to your network weight. Similarly, a newly staked STRAT will need to mature before it can contribute to staking.

For STRAT, coin maturity comes after 500 confirmations. At a block time of around 64 seconds, that means a maturing time of roughly 8hrs 45 minutes.

How long do I have to wait before I can spend staked STRAT?

Newly stakedSTRAT requires 50 confirmations before it is spendable. This means that the newly staked STRAT needs to be included in 50 blocks before it can be sent to another address, i.e. spent. Block times are 64 seconds on average, which means that it will take roughly 54 minutes before newly staked STRAT can be spent.

How big is the Stratis blockchain, where is it stored and how long does it take to Sync?

The blockchain is currently about 1.6 gigabytes in size. This will get larger as time goes by. On a Windows OS it’ll be saved in %APPDATA%, on a Mac OS it’ll be in the Library in Application Support.

What is the expected income and is there a staking calculator?

The annual income from staking is roughly 1.5% – 2% of what you are staking if you stake 24/7. There is a staking calculator here, but it gives slightly low average estimates. Any estimate of the time it takes to stake successfully is an average estimate. If you are expecting to stake 1 STRAT every 10 days, you may have times when you stake twice a week, and you may have times when you stake once a month. On average, it should come to 1.5% a year when staking 24/7.

The full calculation for the annual staking income is as follows:

Annual income (%) = 100 * (Number of newly minted STRAT per year) / (number of STRAT staking)

Number of minted STRAT per year = number of new blocks per year = (seconds in a year) / (block time in seconds) = 31,557,600 / 64 = 493,087.5

Number of STRAT staking can be found here. At time of writing is around 27,000,000 STRAT

Thus, annual income (%) = 100 * 493,087.5 / 27,000,000 ~= 1.8%

Why am I not receiving STRAT as often as I would expect?

Staking is random so the expected time to successfully stake is an average estimate. Over a long enough time frame the average time to stake should be reasonably accurate. Over shorter time frames it could be quite inaccurate. At times you could be waiting three or four times your expected time to stake and at others you could be successfully staking three or four times more STRAT than you expect.

Stake Your Acclaim Mac Os 11

What are orphans and what can I do to try to reduce the number of orphaned blocks I get?

An orphan occurs when two staking nodes forge a new block at almost exactly the same time. If the block information is not passed on quickly enough, then some other staking wallet may receive the staking reward for that block, and you will receive nothing (which is what we call the orphan). There are some steps you can take to try to reduce the number of orphaned blocks:

    • Make sure you have 16 connections. If you have fewer than 3 connections your chance of receiving orphans may be increased.
    • If your computer is running very slow it can increase the number of orphans you receive. The more coins you collect the more important it is to get things running efficiently so that blocks get solved and reported on the network as soon as possible.
    • Older wallets with many transactions may start to slow down. By sending your coins to a new address and importing that address into your wallet you can “start afresh” and should receive fewer orphaned blocks.
Can I cold stake my STRAT?

Not at this point in time it is not possible to cold stake your STRAT, however it will be possible quite soon. Cold staking is staking while your spendable balance is offline.

Stratis Group Ltd are building a solution into Stratis Core which will require the majority of the staking to be done through the Stratis Core wallet before it can be initialised.

Can I stake two instances of the same wallet at the same time?

Yes, you can stake with two instances of the same wallet at the same time. However, there are caveats. If you use the wallets for more than just staking and choose to generate a new address by generating a new key pair in one of the wallets, then the other wallet will not have a copy of that key pair. Besides this, you are exposing two machines to potential attackers as a way of getting to your hot wallet instead of just one. As is always the case in crypto, you are responsible for the safety of your own money, so it is vitally important you are careful with your security. So long as you bear these caveats in mind, it is possible to stake in this way.

To the great distress of many people, Mac OS 9 broke something with respect to the beloved and quirky After Dark 4.0 screen saver. It has been reported that the After Dark engine is incompatible with Mac OS 9, but for whatever reason, it simply will not work on Mac OS 9 equipped Macs. Happily, there is an answer to that, and this blog post addresses it.

There is a patched version of After Dark for OS 9 that can be downloaded from the Macintosh Garden site, at http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/after-dark-os-9. Someone going by the screen name of Daxeria produced this patched version, earning the acclaim and adulation of the entire Mac OS 9 using Macintosh community, I am sure. However, when you install it and restart, you may be a little disappointed. It has only the most basic of screen savers, After Dark’s initial starry night screen saver. Where, oh where are the beloved flying toasters, bad dogs and the rest of the crazy and lovable characters from After Dark 4.0??

Take heart. I have recently installed After Dark onto Mac OS 9.1, flying toasters and all, and this post provides a step by step “recipe” for repeating this feat.

First things first. To be successful, you will need to have a copy of After Dark 4.0, so lets start with this and get a copy. In my case, I had purchased a copy on eBay some time ago, and had it installed on a Mac OS 8.6 machine, so I was “good to go”. If you do not already have After Dark 4.0, you will need to acquire a copy. You can do this either by buying it on eBay as I did, or downloading it from http://www.macintoshgarden.org at this URL http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/after-dark-40.

Once you have After Dark 4.0, to install a full After Dark for Mac OS 9.x, do the following:

1/ Download After Dark for Mac OS 9 from the above URL.

2/ Install this version of After Dark by dropping the After Dark 9 control panel into your Control Panels folder, and the After Dark Files folder also into your Control Panel folder.

3/ Restart your Mac and make sure that you can access and run the newly installed After Dark screen saver. As mentioned above, it will have only a few boring screen savers available, but those screen savers are not the objective of this step anyway.

The key objective of this step is that a Mac OS 9 compatible version of the After Dark engine has now been installed, and all of the necessary folder structures and support files are now in the right places.

4/ From the After Dark 4.0 that you either have previously installed, or have just acquired from the above URL, open the After Dark Files folder. From there, copy over the After Dark 4.0 folder’s contents (this is where you will find your beloved flying toasters, and many, many more quirky and fun screen savers) to the same named folder in your Control Panels After Dark Files folder.

5/ Repeat this procedure for the After Dark Images folder – copy over the contents of the After Dark 4.0 folder’s After Dark Images folder to the same named folder in your Control Panel folder’s After Dark Files.

6/ Restart your Mac

Stake Your Acclaim Mac OS

Your After Dark 9 install should now provide access to all of the wild and wonderful screen savers you know and love from After Dark 4.0.

Stake Your Acclaim Mac Os Download

7/ Enjoy!